I said this about six years ago to my college roommate and she cracked up. It's totally true though, and I've watched the gap between ho's and whores widen over the years.
They say prostitution is the oldest profession, I thought that would be basket making, but anyway in my nice new apartment, which I love enough to decorate, I've discovered a dirty little secret. Right outside my window is a prostitution ring. Wow, I said to myself at 3 in the morning. I sat in my window watching the girls work. And boy were they busy. It was like a prostitute drive through, the men loved these whores. I couldn't see them one hundred percent clearly, but I could tell one was black and I believe the other was Hispanic (it's the valley in LA so she probably was) I sat there, watching the trucks roll up and pick up a girl (oddly enough 90 percent of their jons drove pickup trucks) Within the two hours that I sat fascinated, these women had to have satisfied 10 customers between the two. That's busy! I don't want to do it more than twice in a night with one man, let alone 5! I listened to the loud clacking of their stiletto heels and while watching I came up with a joke "What's the only difference in clothing when it comes to a prostitute and a girl going to a club... a prostitute has enough sense to wear a coat when it's cold!" If you laugh you laugh, I think it's funny. ( I crack myself up, btw)
Anyway, after making up that joke, I decided not to call the cops on these women. Why? Because I realized those women out there actually have an advantage over the chicks I watch in the clubs. And yes, I used to be one of them, short skirt, heels, I love my boobs so I'd show those off, still do. If you go to the club, take a look around. The girls are naked, bending over, basically doing it to everyman that comes over and taps them on the ass. In the clubs I've seen it all, and yet it still amazes me. I remember going to my first dance in 10th grade, thinking I was going to dance and being shocked by all the grinding. So after the club the fellas pick a half naked chick to go home with and screw... and what does she get? Sometimes not even a drink. WTF is going on ladies. I think it was Chris Rock that said women are driving down the price of pussy. If pussy was a stock it would've plummeted. It's so true. And it's mostly these young girls, dressing in things I can't even consider clothing, giving it away for free. I just want to take everyone I see and shake them. Stop it ho! Just stop it. And if you go to the club and don't notice the little ho's then ummmmm, it might just be you bending over to the front touching your toes for free, when a stripper gets twenty bucks for that. No no, you're saying SBF, you're telling the young girls to become strippers and whores? No, I'm telling them to leave it up to the professionals.